Create a poll for your readers to voice their opinions on. Ask for each person that votes to leave a comment stating their reasons for choosing the option they voted for.
How we process questions and decide on an answer is fascinating. Some work purely on instinct, other have a very analytical and thought out process. Still others go for a mixture, they might think it out but when push comes to shove, they go with what feels "right"
So don't just settle for asking a question but find out they WHY behind the answer. Challenge opinions, encourage participation and if your question just happens to be a monumental choice between cold or hot pizza, well, make sure you are willing to moderate the comments as some people will go to the mat about issues like those =)
Don't forget about the power of turning out the vote either. Post your poll on Twitter, FaceBook, Yahoo Answers, online message boards or invite other blogs to join in! Polls are all about "the more the merrier" attitude.
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